Sunday, November 30, 2008


I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!

Justin and Heather that looked like a tremendous feast!!! yum

Cathy and Aunt Janis, it was so nice seeing you last weekend!!! I wish we could see each other more often! And I wish I could have been there longer.

I just updated the blog in case anyone doesn't have a lot going on and needs something to look at. I put a lot of pictures on there and many posts, so you may want to pace yourself if you do check it out :) You may get a Wiediger family overload!

I hope all is going well with everyone!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving in Colorado

Happy Turkey Day!
Heather & Justin had a wonderful day cooking and cooking and cooking...
The turkey took a loooong bath in an orange five gallon bucket from HomeDepot.
And 12 or so hours later came out of the oven being all delicious. We cooked enough for about 8 people: (leftovers for a week)
We'll relax by the fire for the rest of the evening and maybe play some games that don't require much movement. Then eat a little more. Apple pie is waiting with Justin's favorite secret ingredient:

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Nelson's in Tomahawk. I hope everyone is enjoying this very special day!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Just Because I'm Tired of Kissy-Face Pictures

How did King Kong escape from his cage?
He used a monkey wrench.

Why don't the monkeys in the jungle play poker any more?
There are just too many Cheetahs.

What happens when you throw one banana to two hungry monkeys?
A banana split!

Which rock group is a monkey's favorite?
The Monkees!

Why did the monkey wear red suspenders?
The blue ones broke!

Monday, November 10, 2008

H & J: Engagement Photos

Our photographer just sent us the link to our online photo album - we'll pick up the photos on Wednesday, but for now everybody can get a 'sneak peek' at the following webpage:|weddings|justin/start/0

Here's a juicy one to get you started...

Friday, November 7, 2008

hi there

Here is the big 6 year old!!! He is growing up so fast! I can't believe he is 6!! It is crazy. He does like being 6 though! On the morning of his birthday I asked him if he felt any different or older and he said "No, but I am pretty sure I am taller"
there are more pictures on my blog.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Happy Birthday Mason!! He is 6 years old today!! 6!!! I can't believe it!!!

I'll post pictures later tonight. We had a fun day and Sunday is the big Volcano Party!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

No Tricks, but a Couple of Sweet Treats

Thank you to Cathy for making these wonderful costumes!!!!!! The boys looked great in them and had a great time!!
I'm putting more pictures on my blog...not much writing, but pictures. Still no sleep.....we will beat him!!! We must win!!!! He is getting checked out at the Dr on Thursday to make sure nothing is wrong. Some day my sleep will come!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008