Wednesday, May 30, 2007


What didja do on your birthday?
Inquiring minds want to know.

Someone is having a Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday, Jolee,
Happy Birthday to you.
and many more!!!
Aunt Janis and Mr. Jim

Monday, May 28, 2007

Look who's after my flowers!!!!

Here comes trouble!!!

This weekend I finally finished planting my flowers. I thought I would wait until there would be little chance of frost. No such luck!! Last night I had to go out in the dark and cover my plants. Mr. Jim had to cover the flowers farther away from the house because I wasn't going too far away from the house in the dark. I might meet Mr. Bear.
This afternoon I looked out the back and here was a young buck looking at my petunias. He settled for trilliums instead.

Well, did everyone watch BINGO?? I watched and I played but I didn't win. And I forgot to watch the credits so this Friday I will be sure to pay attention.

We had a quiet Memorial Day. This morning we went to the Memorial service at the park and that was it. Tomorrow I have to make an appointment for a root canal. That should be fun.

Looking forward to hearing from everyone. I hope this will look the way I want after I hit the "Publish Post" button.

Friday, May 25, 2007

The Paparazzi!!!!

Can you believe that the paparazzi were at Justin's graduation? I couldn't believe it either but there they were. I hope they got some good shots.

Our weekend tour!

Last weekend was wonderful! Even the weather cooperated. It was quite an experience getting to Justin's graduation but we made it right on time. I know that there are those out there who have pictures of the graduation on their digital cameras that turned out better than mine so hopefully they'll share. After watching Justin receive his diploma we had a great meal at a downtown pub. Steve's work was very close to where we were staying so he took us on a grand tour. He is an excellent tour guide. Here he is explaining all the technical stuff.

I don't understand how to arrange pictures on these posts. "Tis apuzzlement"!
I hope everyone has printed out their BINGO cards and will play and watch for Derek's name in the credits.
I have to plant some flowers so all for now. Share those Graduation Pictures!!!
MOM/Aunt Janis

Mason was RIGHT!!!

Mason was on the right track!! Thunder doesn't help the plants but the lightening does. It puts nitrogen in the soil and that helps the plants grow. Now we're all a little bit smarter.
Thanks, Mason!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Check this out

Ginger had a little procedure today. Her claws have been splitting and coming off, so the vet had to do a biopsy to find out what's going on. They pulled off all of the loose, splitting claws (general anesthesia) and wrapped her feet so that she doesn't lick them. The verdict is:
Symmetrical Lupoid Onychodystrophy
You can read about it here: SLO. It is a doggie autoimmune disease. Very fun.
So I had to go out and buy baby socks to put on her feet. I stood in the aisle for about 20 minutes trying to figure out what size baby sock would fit Ginger.
I settled on a size 3-4.
Oh, and if this wasn't enough, Sasha peed on Ginger's dogbed, dogbed cover, and blankie right after I washed/dryed it all......while poor Gingie was at the vet.
I offered to go to the mill tomorrow, but Randy said that he wouldn't trade with me.
Now, that's pretty bad.

Thoughts from Mason and other things...

The other day during a thunder storm, Mason asked what thunder helped grow. I told him I didn't think it helped anything grow, it was just fun to listen to. He thought for a bit and stated "I think the thunder is for the naughty animals. It scares them away so they won't eat our plants"

Then last night he noticed that the upper part of my body is also getting bigger, along with my stomach. So he began to measure them and started laughing asking how they got so big. And tried to poke at them. He just couldn't get over it, and I tried to be very nonchalant and said they get bigger when there is a baby in the belly and tried to change the subject. Yep. Can't wait until nursing begins. That'll be fun. :)

Oh, my parents said they saw Steve at the studio and were absolutely amazed at his abilities. So, my question....Steve, since you are so technical and so good with technical equipment...why aren't you adding to this blog?!

I am starting to re-introduce dairy into my diet a little at a time now. Boy, 4% milkfat Large Curd Cottage Cheese never tasted so good!!! I thought I died and went to heaven today. Amazing how little it takes to make me happy after being deprived of so many great foods for so long!!! I am praying the dairy goes well and that I can finally eat it regularly again. I can't remember if I mentioned on my last post, butI saw another GI Dr. and he feels I do have Celiac as well as IBS. So, no gluten or fatty foods for me. I think in heaven everything will be made out of gluten and bread and it will be wonderful!!!

We now have some bulbs!!! And they are a beautiful peach/coral color!! I didn't even know I had planted any that color. Something took a chunk out of one of the parrot tulips (only 3 came up), so we are down to 2. I think I am going to put cages around them.
I'll get a hold of my dad's camera and take a few pic and attempt to post them...but I am not promising I'll be able to figure it out!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Justin Got To Fort Collins!!!

I just got off of the phone with Justin (he needed to know where the nearest Wal-mart was ;-), and he arrived safe and sound in Fort Collins, CO. The only adventurous event was having the windshieldwiper break off of the car during the rain/hail/wind/tornado storm.....about 8 miles from town. Now, it's time to unpack this:

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

"Ours Just Got In"

The other day at Gymnastics, one of the dad's told Mason that he heard Mason was going to be a big brother. Then he told Mason that Emma (his daughter and a girl in Mason's class) just became a big sister, because her baby sister was just born.
Mason's face lit up, his eyes got wide and he joyously announced "OUR BABY JUST GOT IN!!!"

It's so sweet how they see the world and explain things!!!

Cathy, how fun to watch the Eagles and their young! And to see them catch fish out of the lake!! I have only seen that 1 time and it was while riding in a car.

Today I must have had a high dose of crabby hormones. It was terrible!! I don't know if I have ever been as crabby as I was today. I kept most of it in, but I felt like I could explode for no reason, and literally physically explode. crazy! I hope this goes away tomorrow because I am working.

It was 'Teach-The-Baby-Eagles-To-Hunt' Day

But, evidently, eagles have excellent hearing because whenever I TOUCHED the doorknob to go out and take a picture, the eagles flew away. Here is a picture of two of the five adult eagles who were teaching their children to hunt for food:

The baby/juvenile was across the river, too, but all I could get was this:

It really is pretty cool to watch these giant birds grab fish out of the river.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Oh yeah, it's cold

Jolee, I feel your plant pain. I forgot to bring my seedlings in when we went to Madison, and the little tomato plants are, now, dead. The herbs appear to have survived, however. I can one-up you in the 'cold' department.....we heat our house with a wood furnace. During the last weekend of April, my husband cleaned-out, shut-off, and disconnected the furnace. WE HAVE NO HEAT!!!!!!

It's 4 degrees Celsius outside and 18 degrees Celsius inside. I'm not sure what that is in REAL temperature format, but suffice it to say that it's C-O-L-D!!

Maybe I'll go sit in the car with the heat on.....

Jack Frost Nipping at your Nose

Well, while everyone was enjoying Justin's graduation and Madison, it SNOWED on Sun am. Some of it actually stuck to the ground. Of course I had just planted my seedlings and potted annuals on Friday, and of course I did not cover them or take them in. The Coleus are completely dead. I think the petunias might make it, but I'm not sure. The seedlings look like toast. Live and learn. I need to wait until Memorial Day weekend.

I have one tulip just waiting to open up. It is purple. I'll need to borrow my dad's camera to take a picture and post it. The other ones may start opening up in a few weeks or so (I think).

I am continuing to feel better each day. I still have the occasional day where I am pretty ill, but I can handle that. Not needing naps every day now either.
I am working this Wed, so I am a little concerned about that, but hopefully it will go well.

Mason has a little friend over, Naomi today from Gymnastics. Actually he goes to her house when I work. They play so well together, although he tends to get a bit bossy and accusing. Working on those social things. He's definitely ready to be a big brother!!

Not much else to write here. My parents had a great time in Madison. I think my mom is going to cash in the ticket this Wed. Pretty exciting!!

Talk to you later!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

Apparently not our Mason. He is growing up so much. Our neighbors have a 5 month old New Foundland puppy who weighs 65 pounds. The "puppy" got loose the other day and made a beeline for Mason who was sitting on a chair. Kota
(the "puppy's" name) started jumping up on Mason and Mason started yelling "No! Go!". I was heading towards Mason and the "puppy" as well as the owner and as I got close to Mason he jumped off the chair and started to run (he later said he was trying to run to the tree so he could climb up it) and Kota of course thought he was playing and chased him.

When Mason figured out he couldn't outrun the dog (I am also telling Mason not to run and to stand still and trying to get to him) he turned and faced that dog straight in the eyes and kepts yelling "Go!!" while he was crying. He kept facing the "beast" and wouldn't let it out of his sight. What a brave guy!! I finally got to him and was able to pick him up. I am sure it helps that we have had Sophie and are always yelling at her and teaching Mason to assert himself with her. So, Sophie had a redeeming quality (Craig's words).
It was neat to get a glimpse of Mason's character, because I would sometimes worry that he wouldn't stand up for himself in life, but at least I know he will with large animals. Poor guy. The "puppy" is as tall as Mason when it is on all 4's.
Gianni was also over and sitting (actually frozen) on a bench across from Mason. Once the "puppy" was contained, Gianni said "I was just going to get up and help him".

Cathy, i need your email again, because I need Justin's address.

The pregnancy is going well, feeling much better at night and I skipped a nap 2 days in a row! I was exhausted by 8:30, but it was nice to have energy during in the day. No wierd cravings and I think I will be able to start feeling the baby beginning in early June. Mason said this morning "I am so excited to see the baby I wish I could see it tomorrow!!!" He continues to hug and kiss my belly goodnight. The bongo drums have gone away.

Mason continues to amaze me with the things he comes up with and the way he talks about things. Of course, i can't think of anything at the moment.
One tulip is starting to bloom. Many are still just coming up. I really believe I will have blooming tulips this July. Even some daffodils are starting to come up now.

Well, my Dad is reading this blog now!! Yay Dad!! Hi Dad!!

gonna sign off now. i had a lot more to write, but of course I have forgotten it all. I hope everyone has a great time in Madison!!! I wish I could be there!!! How exciting for you Justin!!! Way to go!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

There is Going to be a New Big Brother in Town

Hi There.
We told Mason last Tuesday about the baby. He was THRILLED!!! I wish we had a digital camera so I could show you his expression. At first he thought there were 2 in my belly.

He called everyone he could think of to tell them " We have a new baby. It is in my mommy's tummy". He is very excited that it will be born during the month of his birthday. He hopes it is a girl, so there will be 2 boys and 2 girls. At first he thought it would be cool to have 3 boys and 1 girl, but he changed his mind.

He plays his bongo drums for the baby, sings to it, reads stories to it and hugs and kisses it goodnight. He is still trying to process the whole thing and at one point said: "You're kidding me!! There's a baby in there?!". The other day he started knocking on my belly because he was "knocking on the door". We talked about being gentle :)

Tonight he said that when the baby is bigger it can sleep on the mattress under his bed (he has a trundle bed system) at night, but for nap time the baby can sleep in his bed with him. Then the baby can have it's own bed and sleep on the other side of the room.

I was telling him the other day what a wonderful big brother he is going to be and how excited I was that God chose him to be the big brother of this baby and his little chest puffed out and he was grinning from ear to ear, said "Thank You." and walked away. He is so excited to be a big brother!

The little guy wouldn't sit in my lap for story time the night we told him about the baby, which was odd for him, so I told him there was room for him and the baby in my lap, but he was worried he was going to hurt the baby by sitting in my lap. I can't wait to see him with the baby. It will definitely rock his little world, but I think it will be good. He thinks it is pretty funny to see my belly growing. He found some maternity shirts and asked "Whose dresses are these for?" I told them they were shirts and he just started laughing.

I am starting to show now and started wearing maternity pants. They are a little big, but there's no way I'm squeezing into the regular pants. I can't believe how sore and uncomfortable I am already. I feel like I am 95 years old. Everything hurts and if I move too quickly, i usually pull some very painful ligament or muscle. I will be glad when Nov is here. And I am glad that children are so wonderful to make all of this so worth it.

I am starting to feel a little better at night now. and the daytimes are going better too. I am 12 weeks, so all the sickness should be going away soon. I have discovered salt water taffy at a quaint flower store in town and Mason and I make several trips a week there to stock up.

Oh yeah, the bulbs are starting to grow! Nothing is blooming, and many of the bulbs are just coming up. Hopefully they will be blooming in July! I am going to buy some plastic tulips and put them in the ground. I am getting impatient waiting for the flowers to bloom. We had golf ball sized hail today and a few of the tulips were pummeled, but I think they will be OK. I never knew growing bulbs was so difficult. Of course it doesn't help that the spot I picked to plant them had full sun all day in the fall, but doesn't get any sun until noon in the spring.

Well, I should be getting to bed. I am sure I forgot a lot of stuff, so I'll write more in a few days.

Cathy, that slide show is pretty cool!! I'll have to let my friend know about it who blogs a lot.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Mom, Grandma, Great-Grandma
Where would we be without you!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Easter Slideshow Experiment

Okay, I found this cool slideshow site and just had to try it. Here goes:

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Side Effects of Pregnancy and other random thoughts

Hello everyone,

Cathy and Alyssa, i wish I would have known about the car. I am sure your car will run forever with the new transmission though.

Aunt Janis...Mason would LOVE that rock. He loves to collect rocks, play with rocks, climb rocks. We are going to paint some rocks for "pet rocks" as soon as it gets warm again outside. He thinks that is pretty funny. I would love to have a large rock like that in our yard. i would plant all sorts of flowers (especially ones that attract hummingbirds and butterflys) around it and find a way to attach a small pan for a bird feeder or bird bath and then set up a bench next to it.

My mom is a saint!! She called and asked if Mason could come over today because she had Vinnie, Nic and Nanni over as well. She is keeping him until supper time. What a blessing!!! I have the entire house to myself!!! After this post, I am taking a nap.

The pregnancy is going well. I am starting to feel somewhat better in the evenings now. The other day I felt "normal" for 2 hours straight ! I had forgotten what it felt like to be healthy!!
I am craving Dill pickles like crazy!!! If I could, I would eat them all day and drink the brine. I will NOT drink the brine, but it sounds so good!!

I am also swearing quite a bit. I lead a small Bible Study in our home one night a week and the "f" word almost came out of my mouth. Thankfully, I stopped it at the "f" sound...but everyone heard it. I was mortified. i remember this happening when I was pregnant with Mason.

We are going to tell Mason on Tuesday May 8th!! We can't wait! The other night he crawled up to snuggle with me in bed and I asked him if he had a baby sister or brother, could they snuggle too? His response: "OF COURSE they could!!!!" We'll see if that holds true this Nov.

He and Gianni were talking about fire ants the other day and where they lived. I mentioned you could find them in Florida.
Mason: "I'm NEVER going to live in Florida"
Me: "Well, it is a wonderful place to visit. The plants and flowers grow really big because it doesn't snow there and it is always warm"
Mason: How big do the flowers get?
Me: This big..stretching out my arms.
Mason: "Bigger than Uncle Terry?!?!?" in an incredulous voice!! (Uncle Terry is Derek)

It is so funny how children think!!

The slacker mom continues to be my new title. Yesterday Mason had to pull a shirt out of the dirty clothes pile...but he had a few shirts in his drawer..he "just doesn't like to wear them mom". So there you go. He was a bit insulted, especially because there was a hair on the shirt, so I pulled it off and shook it out. Good as new!!! (I did do laundry this am, so we all have clothes again)

Well, i am almost ready for my nap...and I may need another pickle.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Not much going on here...

.....we're trying to find a new car since Randy is giving my car to Justin. Jolee, too bad we didn't know about your car sooner.....we had to put a new tran$mi$$ion and $tarter $en$or into Alyssa's car a few weeks ago. It probably would have been worth a look. But not now....her car had better run FOREVER, and I have to wait a year for my patio!

Things are greening up, but without much rain, it's slow going. It still gets pretty cold at night, so I am reluctant to uncover things.....and there's lots to uncover. Randy made me some windowboxes last weekend, but we have to seal them and install the brackets. He's in Montreal today and tomorrow. Lucky him. I've got some tomatillos, tomatoes, oregano, basil, parsley, and garlic chives that I started from seed. They really need to be transplanted into bigger containers and hardened-off before they go outside on a permanent basis. I was thinking of doing this: with my tomatoes. That way the critters won't get them.

Okay, time for knitting and shameless television-watching!!

Help is needed

Here is my new rock.--(Wouldn't Mason love this one?)--

When they cut the big tree down the man with the machinery moved this big boulder to the edge of the lawn for me. Now what should I do with it? Any ideas out there???

Spring in Tomahawk

Spring is finally coming to Tomahawk. These are some daffodils that Grandma Nelson threw back in the woods and every spring they come up. Even some narcissis(sp?). The woods is pretty now. We can even take a walk and enjoy the birds. I don't go alone because Mr. Bear has been to our feeder and I'm not interested in meeting him--or her.
I'm glad you figured out how to arrange the pictures, Jolee, because they don't go where I want them to go. Oh well, Cathy will straighten things out. Right, Cathy?
Happy spring everyone.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Somebody Stop Me

Ok there,

I don't know why the last post posted 2 times. Could somebody help?? I obviously should not start my own blog :) Oh, i found this picture on the computer too. Just practicing moving it around. I think I'm getting the hang of this.
Ohhh, my child is stretching right on top of me and whining in my ear. Thankfully Daddy will be home soon!

Hey look at this, I'm writing next to the picture. Pretty sure my posts won't be on the "noteworthy blog"list.

Is Anyone Out There?...Anyone?

Hi all,

I thought the Haugens were going to keep in touch through the blog? Where are all the entries? Steve? Alyssa? Justin? Randy? Derek? Junal? Dominic? Cathy and Aunt has been a while.

Ok, here's an update on the bulbs: 10 are coming up!! 10 out of 90! Gotta like that percentage!! Rabbits or deer have gotten to about 5 of them...but they are still growing. I think I need to re-apply the Deer Off stuff.

We are going to tell Mason about the baby on May 8th!! We can't wait!! Alicia will be coming up on the 9th (Craig's mom), so Mason can tell her when she gets here.

I have become a "Slacker" mom. It is official. Hopefully Mason will survive the pregnancy. The days are getting better, but the nights are still awful. Hopefully just a couple more weeks of this! (I'm 10 weeks now)

Mason announced he would like to be a "Rock Hunter" when he grows up. He loves looking for agates. We went to Flood Bay beach last Sat. and he found some agates there.

We have many plants ready to go in the ground..Limelights, Cosmos, Morning Glory, Sweet Pea, and 5 different varieties of Sunflowers. We are ready, but I don't know if the weather is. We tried tomatoes, but the wind blew down our greenhouse and everything fell out. We'll probably just need to buy a plant. Oh yeah, we also started some pumpkins and watermelons that are coming up. Hopefully these plants will do better than the bulbs.

We are looking for a new home for Sophie. She snapped at Mason for no reason. I hope we find one soon, but it's hard to write a good bio on a dog who is going blind, is arthritic, doesn't play well with children and sometimes plays well with dogs. So far, no takers. Hard to imagine why.

I am trying to place an image on here. It is of our old car the Lumina. It is the only picture we have on our computer. We are trying to sell it. Do you like what you see? This is taking a lot longer than I thought it would. OK now...the picture is at the top of the blog. I do not know why. someday I will figure this out.
signing off...jolee