Wednesday, December 9, 2009

'Tis The Season!


The blowing and drifting left the patio/sidewalk behind the garage, as well as the deck, fairly clear. is still pretty limited space for Mr. Morrie, who is used to having 1+ acre to run around in. Reality bites, sometimes, Mr. Morrie.

This is the view out the front window. Please excuse the smudge on my lens. I didn't wipe it off after we came in from Blizzard Inspection.
I tried to go out to get the mail, but the drift in front of the garage door is about 5' tall. Morrie tried to figure it out, but gave up after awhile. Funny thing, tho. The driveway is clear with the exception of the snowdrift.
I wonder if Randy has a shovel in the truck??


Alyssa said...

I like the picture of the deck!
Did you get to use the snow-blower?

Cathy said...

After living in myself...........without a snowblower, I have relieved myself of any and all snow removal activities. I may have a legal document drawn up......