Monday, May 21, 2007

Jack Frost Nipping at your Nose

Well, while everyone was enjoying Justin's graduation and Madison, it SNOWED on Sun am. Some of it actually stuck to the ground. Of course I had just planted my seedlings and potted annuals on Friday, and of course I did not cover them or take them in. The Coleus are completely dead. I think the petunias might make it, but I'm not sure. The seedlings look like toast. Live and learn. I need to wait until Memorial Day weekend.

I have one tulip just waiting to open up. It is purple. I'll need to borrow my dad's camera to take a picture and post it. The other ones may start opening up in a few weeks or so (I think).

I am continuing to feel better each day. I still have the occasional day where I am pretty ill, but I can handle that. Not needing naps every day now either.
I am working this Wed, so I am a little concerned about that, but hopefully it will go well.

Mason has a little friend over, Naomi today from Gymnastics. Actually he goes to her house when I work. They play so well together, although he tends to get a bit bossy and accusing. Working on those social things. He's definitely ready to be a big brother!!

Not much else to write here. My parents had a great time in Madison. I think my mom is going to cash in the ticket this Wed. Pretty exciting!!

Talk to you later!

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