Thursday, May 3, 2007

Not much going on here...

.....we're trying to find a new car since Randy is giving my car to Justin. Jolee, too bad we didn't know about your car sooner.....we had to put a new tran$mi$$ion and $tarter $en$or into Alyssa's car a few weeks ago. It probably would have been worth a look. But not now....her car had better run FOREVER, and I have to wait a year for my patio!

Things are greening up, but without much rain, it's slow going. It still gets pretty cold at night, so I am reluctant to uncover things.....and there's lots to uncover. Randy made me some windowboxes last weekend, but we have to seal them and install the brackets. He's in Montreal today and tomorrow. Lucky him. I've got some tomatillos, tomatoes, oregano, basil, parsley, and garlic chives that I started from seed. They really need to be transplanted into bigger containers and hardened-off before they go outside on a permanent basis. I was thinking of doing this: with my tomatoes. That way the critters won't get them.

Okay, time for knitting and shameless television-watching!!

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