Monday, April 23, 2007

I don't know what I am doing

Hey all,

Apparently my picture of a tulip field did not appear on my post last time. well, i will try to figure out this hi-tech stuff one of these days!!

And apparently I lost my ability to change fonts and all that is left is the boring stuff.

3 of the 90 bulbs I planted are coming up. Mason and I are very excited!! I think they are Iris..but one never really knows for sure. I am hoping more will show up soon!!!

The squirrels had transplanted a bunch of small hyacinth, daffodils and blue squill in our yard a few years ago and they multiplied. I had moved them into one area...and those ones are coming back in the "practice" garden. That will be fun to see all the color.

The other night Mason was spelling words that had 3 sounds...i felt like we were at a spelling bee. He kept asking me to name more words for him to spell. It was pretty funny. Ahhh...Exciting nights at the Wiedigers!! Yes, when mom is stuck on the couch we need to think of wierd things to do!

I hope everyone is doing well!! I'll keep you all updated on the pregnancy and the bulbs...whether you want to know or not!! I finally have a captive audience for all my rambling thoughts!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, we want to know. It's fun to know what's happening at your house. When your tulips bloom we'd love to see them.
Get your mom and dad to put some of their pictures on this blog. Maybe you can help!!!! them.
Keep on blogging!!
Aunt Janis