Friday, August 24, 2007

The answer to your squirrel/pest issues is...


Today, I got the cloves of garlic that I ordered in the spring. Evidently, you are supposed to plant it in the fall. Now, I was wary of doing this because of all of the varmints around here. Recent sightings include porcupine, deer, bear, skunk, squirrel, and woodchuck. I was thinking that it would be garlic suicide to plant in the fall...all of those critters would just dig them up, and then where would I be? Deciding to do a little 'Google Research', I found that garlic is a deterrent to many of the evil planteaters of the garden; furry, crawling, and flying.
Now, go plant some garlic around all of your treasured plants. Anything in the onion family works: onion, chives, allium, garlic.
Go crazy. Garlic is good for you, too!!
How often does that happen?

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