Monday, August 20, 2007

Wildlife Wiediger Walk

OK, we have been VERY busy with animals. Currently, we have the tree frog "Hoppy", 3 snails, a polyephemus caterpillar in a cocoon (it stays in the cocoon until spring).

The 5 grasshoppers died as did the spider. We also had a baby cedar waxwing and 5 baby bunnies in the yard and 4 mice in the house...we had all of these animals alive at the same time in our home.
(well, the bunnies were outside)

My dad found the baby bird near death on his hunting land. Mason named him "Tweet tweet" because the bird "tweeted" a lot. We were able keep him alive for 2 days, but I think one of the mice got to him. We had a burial service and Mason picked flowers for "Tweet Tweet's "grave. We missed him.

I saw the first mouse while I was going to the bathroom. The heating vent is right next to the toilet and a little mouse decided to peek out of the vent. It was horrifying! Talk about feeling vulnerable. so I yell for Craig and he thought something was wrong with me or the baby...but I told him I needed my shoes! We caught the mouse that night, and caught 2 others later. Craig found one drowned in the toilet one morning when he woke up. YUCK!!!!!!!! We set out over 11 containers of D-con, and have not seen any sign of mice. And we think we found out where they are getting in, so that should be done!!!....Sometimes I think Sophie sent the mice in.

Then we were outside and Mason and I were stepping on rabbits!! they just hid in the grass and didn't move until you stepped on them and we couldn't see them. Thankfully they were almost full-grown!! We had to put our shoes on, it was a little freaky. We caught one, and were going to relocate it, but it got away. They were ADORABLE!!! Thankfully I had my senses about me and we did NOT keep one as a pet!! I had an idea of catching all of them and having them spayed and neutered and releasing them, but that didn't work. I don't mind 5 rabbits, but I do not want a million of them!!

the poor grasshoppers did not make it. But I don't think they have a very long lifespan.

We almost have a petting zoo going on around here. Mason loves it. The tree frog will now eat crickets from our hands, it is pretty cute. and we got a 10 gallon aquarium for free on so "Hoppy" is loving that!

And last night we had a RACCOON in our garbage!! he woke me and Craig up....(well, Craig was already up because of my leg going nuts!)I guess he was sitting on the bench on our backporch and chewing on a rock when Craig went down to check it out. Crazy!! Now that Sophie is gone, all the wildlife is moving on in!!! Not sure what is worse!!!

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