Monday, August 20, 2007

Pregnancy Update

Mystery Picture:
Here's a isn't a plant, but it is definitely growing! This picture was taken a month ago.

Well, the pregnancy is going pretty well, except for the partial bedrest and contractions. I was having about 12 contractions a day, but i am down to about 6 or long as I take it easy like I am supposed to. Easier said than done with an almost 5 year old boy!!! Some days it is very hard, i feel like I am starting to slow down with the pregnancy and all, but Mason is revving he should be!!

I got stuck for the 1st time (and certainly not the last) last night. I squatted down to pick something up and could not move. I was literally frozen in place. Craig had to rescue me. Then he asked "Is this pregnancy harder than the 1st one?" To which I replied "Have you not been listening to me the last 6 1/2 months?" And he said "Oh I 've been listening...every hour of every day" hahahaha!!!!!

My newest cravings are: PEACHES!!! I can't get enough of them!! ICECREAM!!!...I can eat icecream now!! It has been 19 months since I have been able to eat icecream and I am in HEAVEN!!! I also love CHEESE and the cheese in the can!! I can't get enough!! And Reese's PEanutbutter cups are also on the list!! SO.....I am not having any trouble gaining weight. I think it is 6 pounds every 4 weeks! The other day Mason noted that my "back was squishy" and that his isn't. Nothing like having your child comment on one's back fat to bolster self-esteem:)

The baby is very STRONG and likes to hang out with my bladder and colon. It really doesn't move from those areas much...and I know it has room to move still. Some of it's personality is showing a little too. It definitely does NOT like it when anything is up against my stomach, and it always stops moving when I start talking. We can see it moving in my stomach already as well. I think it is enormous!! We didn't see Mason moving around in there until around 8 months. Mason likes feeling the baby move and is still excited for it to be born.

Mason is figuring out some things though. The other day I had a bigger brownie than him and he commented on that, and seemed OK with my explanation, and then remarked "Does the baby get to eat what you eat?" hahaha little stinker figured the baby was getting a bigger brownie than him. then he commented that I need to be sure to eat a lot of healthy food for the baby. Talk about a little watchdog :) Maybe he'll be a cop or judge? In the beginning he was concerned that the baby was staying up later than him because it was in my belly and going to bed when I went to bed. Always thinking this one:)

Mason just told me he "misses Christmas" and walked over with a pine needle he found from last Christmas. "Smell this mom. Doesn't it just make you miss Christmas and wish it was here? It smells delicious!"----who couldn't love this little guy?!

Well, I'll add more later today. Time for the much needed long as my leg will cooperate!! It's feeling a bit "antsy" this afternoon.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're back. I was missing all the adventures of the Wiediger family. Your baby is certainly growing. Not too long now.

Anonymous said...

It feels good to be back!! Didn't have much contact with the outside world and being cooped in a home with a 4 year old active boy can be a challenge some days!!

I am trying to download more pictures, but we only have dial-up so it takes FOREVER.