Monday, August 20, 2007

Good Times

OK, the blog won't let me move the pictures around tonight and it says it can't contact I hope I don't lose all of this! I am only going to put 2 pictures on this post. A half hour has passed, and I only have 1 on here. I'll do pictures another night.

This post will be about Mason, and may be long. Since I am not scrapbooking, it's nice to record some things here. So be warned, you are going to get a HUGE dose of Mason adventures.

All in all, Mason and I have been having a good summer.
He moved up a level in Gymnastics and is now in the Leopard class. He is learning a lot and loves to show us his tricks here at home.

He is really into climbing trees now too. I'm sure the trip to the ER will be sooner than later.

He is always coming up with the funniest sayings and comments. The other night he was kissing my hand, so I showed him how a Prince kisses a princesses hand. Then out of the blue, he says "Mom, when I grow up I'm gonna marry you!! That way you can have 2 rings. And it's going to be hard to find someone to marry you know!" Then he told me that if I have a baby girl in my tummy he can marry her and they can move into their own home (overriding theme with him) then he told Craig he was going to marry me later and Craig would get a different wife.

The next night he was trying to figure out how this would all work and was saying "When Daddy is a grampa I can marry you mom...wait...when will Daddy be a grampa? " So we explained that when his wife has a baby Daddy will be a grampa and he Really started thinking and changed the subject. Too funny. I do like the idea of another ring though!

In the car the other day he was watching an airplane and said "Mom! That plane is going mayonaisse!!" So, I'm thinking. And ask, "How do you mean?" And he said "The plane is going to crash! I don't see any fire in it's engine!! It is going Mayonaise!! (actual meaning: Mayday)" And now when he plays with his planes they say "Mayonaise, Mayonaise" instead of Mayday, Mayday. It is too cute to correct!!

The other morning I woke up before Mason. When he woke up he came downstairs, and I was excited to see him and he hands me his undies and says "Smell these mom". So I'm like.."uh, I don't think I need to do that. Why do you want me to smell them?" And he says "They STINK!!!" To which I replied "Well, put them in the dirty clothes. No-one needs to be smelling that."...but he kept on insisting I smell them for a while before putting them away. Good Morning Mom!!

A few of Mason's favorite activities since the bedrest thing:

Copying everything I say

Licking me. Yes, licking me. One day I had it and my parents over, and I said "If you lick me again and keep on acting like a puppy, you are going in the dog kennel!! Because dogs in this house stay in the kennel when they do not listen!" OF course I would NEVER put him in a kennel, I just needed to get his attention and was sick of being licked.

He informed me the other day that erasers on pencils are great because they can erase the marks he makes when he draws on the walls. We'll be checking all our walls carefully! I think I finally have all the pencils and pens, markers, crayons, etc..consficated. Mason loves to "hide" them so he can get to them . he has little stashes of them all around the house.

We made gluten free brownies the other day (and these are DELICIOUS!! you can't even tell they are gluten free). We had a warm one with ice-cream and Mason exclaimed " I will never forget a brownie like that!!!"

He has been doing these races on Wed nights, through Grandma's Marathon. He runs a 1/4 mile with Craig and about 100 other 3-5 year olds. Everyone gets a ribbon, they are free and at the last race, next Wed he will get a T-shirt and enjoy a free BBQ. He has really been loving it! The first race was hard, and he was disappointed he didn't win, but he's worked through that now.

Mason is getting so excited for the home-schooling to start. We filled his backpack (courtesy of Nana) with new school supplies. We have started our "routine" without using the curriculum yet, so that has been a lifesaver while doing the bedrest.

That's probably enough for now!


Catherine said...

Why don't you email your pictures to me and I can put them in your post? Save the post as a draft...and write PICTURE where you want the pictures to go. If there are several pictures, describe it in parentheses, so that I know what goes where.

Dial-up is soooo slow, but maybe we can work around it???? Let me know....

Anonymous said...

Oh that would be WONDERFUL!!!

I'll start working on the draft tonight.

Thank you Thank you!!!!!!