Friday, September 7, 2007

Here's the fish!

The statistics:
24.5 inches
5 pounds
What kind is it, again? Oh well, they're all the's a fish.

And mom, dad's wearing that d@rn hat. Recorded for all of the world to see.


Anonymous said...

It's a Walleye!!!! And it was delicious.

Catherine said...

How did you cook it?

Mom said...

I did it the old fashioned way. I dried it off--dipped it in milk and then in flour-- fried it in a very little oil. Yum yum

Catherine said...

Ahem. I have been informed that all fish are not the same. Evidently, the walleye is an incredibly wiley and cunning fish, prized by fishermen for centuries. To catch one is, indeed, a demonstration of fishing skill and finesse.

I don't believe a word of it. It's a fish that you catch by having a fishing pole, bait, and about 6 tackleboxes. And luck.

Anonymous said...

and don't forget the lucky Packer Hat!