Thursday, September 13, 2007

hi there

Aunt Janis,
I am with you on the mice!!!! So far we haven't had any return and I am hoping it stays that way!!

I've had a lot of Dr appts lately. More 4D ultrasounds as well, when I get it on the CD, I'll post a picture. You can really see the resemblence to Mason in the pictures.

On Tuesday I am going to see a perinatalogist for a level 2 ultrasound. My amniotic fluid levels are too high, so they want to check the baby out. i guess heart defects or defects of the gastrointestinal system can cause the high levels. We had hoped I had gestational diabetes, because that can cause the high levels as well, but I passed the 3 hour test. I also think a person can have high fluid levels without really having a reason---which is what I am hoping for. Seems like everytime I go to the Dr I have to deal with some freaky thing. Can't wait for the end of Nov!!! only 74 more days to go!!!!!
Please keep the baby and us in your prayers.

Things are getting ready around here and Mason is VERY excited!!!! He is doing well with homeschool and LOVES it!! I hope it stays that way!! :) He just started adding and subtracting things on his own..

Cathy---do you know of any good resources for preschool math? There is so much out there and I don't want a real "formal" program at this point, just activities to encourage him along since he doing this already.

Do you also know of any fun CD's with kid songs that are not annoying? We have a few, but I am always looking for more.

I'll get to emailing those pictures soon, just want to get through the next few Dr appts first.


Catherine said...

I have a few good resources that I used for preschool. Bev Bos ( is an incredible teacher and proponent of developmentally appropriate practice. At Bethlehem Preschool, our philosophy was very much in sync with hers. We really wanted to go to California and take her summer workshop, but I moved before we could make the happen. The resource books on her site are really good, and I've read a good many of them: Power of Play (David Elkind), In Defense of Childhood (Chris Mercogliano), Reclaiming Childhood (William Crain), Together We're Better (Bev Bos), Don't Move the Muffin Tins (Bev Bos), I've read everything that Alfie Kohn has written, and my new favorite Hothouse Kids by Alissa Quart. Another good resource is Perpetual Preschool (

Catherine said...

What I forgot to say is that with preschoolers, the only dev. appro. way to teach academic concepts is 1.when they are dev. ready and 2.through play. Play games, sing songs, do puzzles, paint, etc. Provide endless sensory experiences. This is an area that many parents ignore in favor of academic (baby eistein--don't get me started) pursuits because it's, oh no....MESSY!

Bottom line: you are right not to look at pencil/paper math 'programs' for preschoolers. Just give him a variety of developmentally appropriate experiences. As you are already seeing, when children are given opportunities to explore, they discover and learn on their own.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the Baby Einstein thing...not for us!! When can a kid be a kid these days? I think it is every child's God-given right to make a mess and be a mess!! That is what being a kid is about!!

thanks for the resources. The curriculum I have is heavily sensory based and play based, but just not much for math, and since I SUCK at math, I don't know how to use it during play.

It is amazing how much he learns incidentally. It's especially amazing because the children I worked with could not learn incidentally. they needed so much taught directly to them. I just wonder what they are "missing" and if someone could figure that out it would be wonderful.

Thanks again!!