Friday, September 26, 2008

Can you believe this!!!

I finally got on the blog to post something. The stars must be lined up in the right order. Mr. Jim and I have not done anything too exciting. We do enjoy watching leaves turn color, grass grow and the DOW do funny things. We have our Stealth Cam up and running so I'll post a few of the wildlife we've seen lately.

Here's Mr. Racoon eating corn A doe and her fawn

Mr. Bear and a spike buck. He's one of two.

Now I also received a few pictures from Junal so as long as I am on the blog I'll post them, too. Looks like she has a houseful with all her pets.

BOOKENDS???? I'm going to come back as a cat or a dog. What a life!!

Looks like Zelda is well loved. I wonder who caught all the fish. I bet it was Gianni.

This post should fill up the whole page so I'd better stop.

Love to all, MOM/Aunt Janis

Cathy, you'll have to fix this page because I can't make the spaces between paragraphs smaller.


Catherine said...

That's a whole lotta animal pics!!! It's like a zoo.

Here, too. =)

The boys are getting big....and cuter all of the time!

Jules said...

Aunt Janis, your yard is like a petting zoo. You should charge people to visit :)...well, I guess the bear really isn't in a petting zoo...