Thursday, September 18, 2008

We are being taken over...

our little detective
could he get any cuter?

by a 9 month old!! Maddox offically tore this apart tonight and it is going to take a bit of work to get it back together.

I cannot get this picture to move around.

I can't believe Maddox is over 9 months old. He is such a sweetie! Today I was lying on the floor next to him while he was playing, and he turned to me, with the biggest smile and scooted over as fast as he could to me and laid his head on my shoulder and then rolled over into my arms and snuggled up. My heart just melted!

He is babbling all the time now. When you say "bye-bye" he waves and whenever he sees a door he waves at it. Sometimes he says "bye-bye" while waving. He is saying "A Dah" for all done...and lots of other things too, but he will copy it. And he'll point to some things we name for him. He wants to know what everything is and points to everything for us to name. He laughs at himself all the time and loves "rough" play.

The crusties on his head look a little better today. All he ate was cereal and avocado. i hope we can figure this out.

Today Mason said "Mom, i wish Maddox never had allergies", to which I replied "Me too. We can pray about it and see what God says". Mason's reply "Well, what if He says 'I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do. He is just going to have them forever?" I didn't really know what to say to that.

He is going to Nana's tomorrow to spend the night with Gianni. Then Sat morning they are selling popcorn in front of my dad's office during "East End Days". He has been dying to go all week. Tomorrow will be a long day for him until he gets there.


Catherine said...

To move the pictures, just place the cursor over the picture that you want to move, hold down the 'right click', and drag it to where you'd like it to go. You can use the orientation buttons to 'orient' the pics and text on the right, center, or left side of the page. I wish that I could show you....much easier than my feeble description.

When in doubt, just click stuff.

Jules said...

Thanks! I have been using the left click to try and move the pictures. Your directions were perfect. I will try again tonight!