Sunday, September 28, 2008

Just some pictures

How lucky am I to be treated to these monkeys every morning? It doesn't get much better than this.


Anonymous said...

You certainly are one lucky mom! They get cuter every time I see a picture of them.

Catherine said...

Much better than waking up to SkunkDog.

For sure.

Jules said...

Oh Cathy, Skunk Dogs are not fun. Sophie got into a skunk and kept going back for more. The skunk sprayed her, she wiped her face off in the grass and went back at least 4 times. Her fur was permanently stained yellow around her nose. She was sprayed about 1-2 times a summer.

There is a recipe containing dawn dish soap and hydrogen peroxide that works. Just go easy on the strips out all the oils and then they dog sheds a lot.

Catherine said...

Oh, yeah. We have had the Skunk Kit in the closet since the first encounter 2 years ago. I have the recipe memorized: 1 pint hydrogen peroxide, 2 T. Dawn, enough baking soda to make a thick paste.

This time I washed her with some Eucalan soap (used for washing wool garments) after the peroxide concoction. Eucalan restores the natural oils....and doesn't require any rinsing.

Thus ends the Dog vs. Skunk lesson for today. =)

Jules said...

Eucalan is a great tip....if we e-v-e-r get another dog. After Sophie I don't think I will ever want another one. But Mason is dying for one. So we probably will. Someday. But not soon. Maybe when Maddox is 5. Or later.