Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Adventures in Mason-Land

Mason has been pretty funny lately.

He recently went with fishing with Craig up at Twin Ponds near Enger Tower. They stock the ponds with trout. When they left, Mason said he was going to catch 3 and he did! He caught 3 "Rainbow trout". They are not just "fish" or "trout" they are "Rainbow Trout". Craig caught a Bullhead.

We ate the fish for supper the next night. I did have 1 bite...the things a mother will do for the love of her child!! I have a feeling I will be eating many more bites of fish this summer!! Mason was excited that I tried his fish though...he knows I do not eat fish!

Mason was so excited about catching the fish, and he keeps a running total. On the Thursday before Mother's Day he spent a night with Craig and my dad (aka "Pop") at their fishing island and he caught 2 fish there. So he is telling people that he caught 5 fish when they ask about his adventure the other day. Aunt Janis...Mason did ask if Mr. Jim could come fishing with him some day.

When Mason talks about the Bullhead Craig caught...this is the story "Mom, Dad caught a Bullhead. Sometimes you have to kill a Bullhead with your shoe"
ME: Did Dad kill the Bullhead with his shoe?
Mason: No, but he had to step on it to get the hook out and so it wouldn't sting him, but I saw some BLOOD!!!"

He was so excited about catching the fish! He even told me they didn't use the worm blower this time. So many details.

Apparently we have stinky beds or something. Mason was pretending his bean bags were icepaks and told me "The ice paks are for our bed to keep it fresh. It takes the stink away and puts it in the toilet" Good to know!!

His vocabulary is going to be further along than mine any day now. Tonight at supper he was eating his fruit cup with cherries (his favorite fruit) and announced" Mom, they put new fluid on these cherries because they taste different"
Shortly after that he spilled his milk and I spilled his water trying to catch the milk cup and Mason said "Look at all that fluid there mom". Where he heard this word, i do not know. He also likes to refer to people as "humans".

Mason is also insisting that I have 2 babies in my belly and that one is hiding underneath the other one. Please pray he is not correct!! Although he did point out that my belly would need to be bigger if I had 2 in there. i think he is torn between wanting a brother or a sister.

Today Mason and I had a 1 1/2 hour nap together on the couch. He was all snuggled up in my arms. It was heaven!!! I just know that the day will come too quickly when he won't want any hugs or even want to be with me that much! So I savor these moments. Of course now he is wide awake having a hard time falling asleep...but it's worth it!!!
When I take the time to just sit and listen to him talk, it is always so wonderful!! The way he looks at the world and the ideas in his head...although I wouldn't mind if his fascination with poop would go away. He always wants me to see his poop and he describes it in detail. One day he even said our family was in the toilet bowl. Me, Craig, Mason and Sophie. There we were, all just floating around together. hahaha

Well, I should attend to him now and see if I can't get him to fall asleep. I was hoping I would go to be early tonight, but I don't think that is happening. Craig is at the grocery store..his mom will be spending a couple of nights with us..she needs some moles removed that are cancerous.

Oh, i almost forgot! On June 2nd I felt the baby move!!! I thought I had been before that and I thought it was kicking me back, but I talked to the Dr. and it was just gas bubbles...pretty big ones. i was relieved because I figured the baby must have been HUGE! But I have started feeling it a little...not every day, but almost every day. That is a relief as well.

Off to see to Mason, I can't believe we are going to have 2 children before Christmas!! And going through these years twice is going to be a blast!! Can't wait to see this little one's personality!!

Take care everyone!!
Oh, Cathy, i think the blog should be renamed since only the 3 of us are contributing. :) Does anyone else read this...I know my dad does...and he is wanting to add to the blog...but does anyone else?


Stephanie said...

I do! :) Hope we can connect tomorrow. xo

Catherine said...

Now you know why I LOVED teaching 4/5-year-olds in preschool for 21 years. They are HILARIOUS!!!. Their language and understanding of the world are very entertaining. I remember when Alyssa said that her butt burped. Or when Justin asked me what a 'tampoon' was. Too funny. I'm sure that they will be thrilled to have that posted on the internet.