Friday, June 8, 2007

hi there

Oh Aunt Janis,
I am sorry about the root canal!! Those are awful!! Craig had a bunch of them done one year. Not fun!!

You have a pretty hungry bear!!! That would be a little freaky!!

I fell in a hole Sophie had dug today. Thankfully Mason was not near by because of all the cursing that was coming out of my mouth. I only landed on my knees and it was a soft landing, but now my Siatic (spelling?) nerve is on FIRE!!! I may have to go in tomorrow--on a Saturday and get checked out. No cramping or anything going on, so I am pretty sure the baby is fine. The hole was pretty deep, so the ground wasn't far from my knees. Time for Sophie to go to the Rainbow Bridge. Oh, Craig brought her to the vet last week and the appt cost 250.00 She has many maladies. I really don't think anyone is going to take her.

Yesterday Mason woke up and said he had a good dream and that I would like it. He asked if we could go rent it. I explained that we couldn't, but he insisted that I would really like it and he wanted to see it again, so we could go to the store and rent it. It was a difficult process explaining that dreams are in our head and we can't rent them. But years ago I had explained that dreams were like movies in our head that we have when we are sleeping, so maybe that is why he thought we could rent them:)

He keeps using the term "fluid" and he told me the other day that he "must have been mistaken". I am beginning to feel very dumb around him:) I need to start reading the dictionary!!

Weather warmed up a little today, so that was nice. We planted Mason's garden..lots of impatients! Can't wait to see them start up. My dad is coming over tomorrow with some wood to put together a raised garden bed.

Oh, we will be getting a digital camera soon, because our other one just died. Hooray!!! I can't wait to figure out how to put pictures on here!!!

Next time you talk to my dad, you will need to ask him about the baby crow he has been taking care of. He is getting soft :) He is the "Crow Man".

Time for supper!!! Cathy, how are you doing with Ginger?!? I hope all is going well with you? Is Randy back yet? Would Ginger like a friend? I am sure she and Sophie would get along beautifully!!!:)


Mom said...

I love hearing about Mason's "happenings" and the way he thinks. I don't think I'd like to rent any of my dreams. Have your dad take some pictures with his camera and put them on your computer.
Happy planting.

Catherine said...

I would take Sophie in a heartbeat, but Ginger has 'issues' with other dogs. Poor social skills. Doesn't play well with others. That kind of thing. I may be taking her back to obedience just for the social interaction......but we've got to get thru this claw thing first.