Friday, June 15, 2007

Miss my posts, hmmm?

I'm going to have to start calling it 'Life With Ginger' or 'Life In The Empty Nest'. For the latest on Ginger, you can go to my personal blog: As a teaser, when you were a little kid did you ever sing that song "Diarrhea, cha-cha-cha. You may think it's funny, but it's really brown and runny."? 'Nuff said.

Here is a gorgeous picture that I took last week after it had rained:

If I had a better camera (a digital SLR), it would be fun to get into photography. Maybe when the vet is done using my checking account????

My gardens are pretty, but also pretty full of weeds. I think that the people who built this house had great ideas, but when it came to execution, enthusiasm was lost. Case in point: thousands of dollars were spent on professional landscaping. Perrenials, trees, shrubs, bushes. You name it; it's there. It's beautiful; until you start looking closely. They laid down a landscape fabric.....and then. Then they covered it with some mulch from out in the woods. Something cheap or free. Now, I'm all for cheap or free, but sometimes that's just not the way to go. This is one of those times. My gardens are covered with horsetail weed:

...and this stuff is almost impossible to get rid of. Oh, it looks all pretty and piney. If you pull it up, the roots send out runners where you ripped up the plant. It also sends spores out into the air. Now, the reason that I think this weed was brought in thru the mulch is: the only other place we have these weeds is out in the woods. It's not in the grass (yet) or driveway. Only in the garden beds!!!!! And, as if I didn't need anymore pet issues, horsetail weed is poisonous to animals. I am soooo ticked off that these people almost ruined these gardens. I have spent 10 hours in the past week pulling up what I could, and I'm not even half-way thru the second garden bed!!! If it's not too unGodly hot today, Ginger and I might take another crack at it. I hate to have her out there when she's all dehydrated and sick. I sprayed Round-Up on it last week when she was at the kennel, but you have to spray it at the perfect time; not on the sprouts and not on the adult plants. I can't spray when Ginger is around because she thinks that it's spraying water and wants to play with it. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

We'll see what today brings......

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