Monday, July 16, 2007

Farewell Sophie

Well, Today Sophie went to the vet. It is a sad day. She just hasn't been quite right lately and I had a conversation with the vet on Sat, and he said it was the best decision for Sophie, especially with her changes in behavior lately that have been so unpredictable, so today Craig brought her in.

We told Mason kind of what was going to happen...well, that Sophie was dieing and was going to the vet to a special room just for dogs and that is how it works with dogs sometimes. To which he replied: "Well, I'm glad I'm not a dog! We humans sure last longer" and then "Can I get a new dog?"

We were so worried about telling him and decided to go with the truth after much agonizing (except we left out the special medicine part...especially since he needs to go under anethesia for the tubes in his ears, and they refer to the "sleepy medicine" as "special medicine" sometimes.) He has taken it well. He hugged her and petted her (as much as she would let him) and had pictures taken with her.

So, we start our vacation with a goodbye to Sophie, but I know she is in a better place and can actually feel what it is like to be loved and not scarred by the previous owners anymore...although it is still pretty matter how much she frustrated me.


Catherine said...

Awwww. It's sometimes hard to do what is best for both pets and children. You did so much to make her life better. Feel good about that.

When we had to have Chelsea put to sleep (after she bit a neighbor girl in the face....not breaking the skin, but 'crossing the line' doggie behavior-wise), we were all telling funny stories about her and just reminiscing (and balling our eyes out, of course), when Alyssa (age 6) says, "Hey, what are you guys crying about? Mom said that we can get TWO kittens!!!!"

And the next day we went and got Sasha and Princess. =)

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Sophie. That's a real hard thing to do. I'm sure she knew she was loved. You have the frog to take her place now or will it be two kittens??

Anonymous said...

no more pets unless they fit into an aquarium. At least not for 10 years or so.

It's wierd because Sophie never really "bonded" with us or formed a relationship, so I just miss her presence. It is still very sad. Being a grown-up sucks sometimes.