Thursday, July 26, 2007

I HATE this HOT weather!!!!

Just want to let everyone know that it is hot here in Tomahawk, too. I hate it!!! Today Mr. Jim and I have to sit at the Historical Society for 2 hours. It's our time to volunteer. They have fans but no airconditioning. We don't have it at home either but it's always hotter in town.
OK, Jolee, the flower is on the milkweed plant. I never noticed that they had flowers before. I'm waiting to see if it forms a pod. Will keep you posted.
Poor Mason!! Just blow up one of your air mattresses for him to fall on.
I'm off to sit in front of a fan. Keep cool everyone.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Oh, yeah....a milkweed plant. I had a bunch of those in St. Cloud, and, now that you mention it, I recognize the flowers, too. The monarch caterpillars loved them. I don't have any milkweed here, tho.

It's hot and humid here. At least it rained, but that gave me a whoppin' migraine. Thank goodness for Excedrin....stupid weather.