Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Well, another almost 90 degree day with humidity at who knows what levels. It has been 3 days of this and I think I am truly melting!! I am hot and miserable. I was hoping to post some camping pictures, but I do not have the patience to wait today. Tomorrow is supposed to cool down with rain, and I hope it does!!

Today Mason informed me that "When I poop momma, all my naughty thoughts come out"
Can't say I have heard that one before, but if it actually works then hooray!!

Critters are doing well. Finally took the bully grasshopper away from the frog and the frog is so much happier!! She actually hops around now and even looks like she is smiling. We put the grasshopper in with 2 others that Mason had caught, and he mated within 5 minutes!!! So we will probably have baby grasshoppers. Then, we had an ant problem because a bunch of them and their eggs had hitched a ride in a branch we put in for the grasshoppers. we took care of that last night, but that was a hoot. Grasshoppers hopping everywhere, sticking to me and Craig and the counters, ants crawling around. Who knew these little critters were so much work? :) Things should settle down now. But those grassh0ppers are SMART! I'll give them that much!!

We cleaned out our garage and got rid of a bunch of stuff on It is a wonderful website!! We just posted the items we wanted to get rid of for free and then people emailed us back about coming to get it, and then they did. In 24 hours we got rid of: large bookcase, large wooden coffee table, bag of picture frames, stroller that didn't work so well, exersaucer, dresser. And we didn't need to do a thing!!! All of this had been in our garage for 6 years in the hopes we would have a cabin. We are putting that dream on hold until the children have grown up. So, if you need to get rid of anything, check out that website. they have local ones, so you only post to people in your area.

Well, just wanted to say hi. i hope everyone else is doing well and that it isn't too hot where you are. Oh yeah, Aunt Janis...what WAS the mystery flower? I am kept up at night just dieing to know what it is!!! Please tell us so I can sleep better at night!!!

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