Saturday, July 14, 2007

Welcome Back!!` I don't know what i am doing with the pictures.

Welcome back Cathy!! and Happy birthday early!!! Looks like you had a great time on your vacation!

We have aw digital camera now!!! Yes, we have almost fully entered the 21st century!!! I will now attempt to put a picture on this post. It is of our little froggy buddy. Mason is at my mom's, so that was the only interesting thing to practice on. Here goes:

Well, I am not sure why the picture is at the top of the blog, i wanted it here. But it worked!! We definitely need to get off of the dial up connection though. i took out garbabe and recycling and loaded the dishwasher while waiting for the picture to upload.

Had the ultrasound the other day and everything looks good. they also did a 4D one, I'll try to put a picture on here. it may end up next to the frog. They will do another ultrasound in 8 weeks because my fluid levels were a bit high. But no big worries. Well, as you can see, the picture of the baby is at the top with the frog. How do you put the pictures where you want them?!?!?

Baby is getting really strong. Mason was able to see my stomach move from the baby moving around and he thought that was pretty funny. He is doing well.

We are going camping next week, so I probably won't be online for a while. need to get everything ready. Sophie may be taking her last visit to the vet the day before we leave. We are still trying to figure out when to bring her. No-one will take her, not even rescue foundations because she snapped at Mason. So, that is sad.


Anonymous said...

Wow, it's amazing what those ultrasounds can show. I think she looks like you, Jolee. How exciting to see!!! I can hardly wait to see one when you are farther along.!!
Cathy told me to drag and drop the pictures where you want them and it does work.
Next week we will see camping pictures, right???

Jules said...

so you think it's a girl? I have a feeling it is, but one never knows!!

I tried dragging the pictures, but they wouldn't move. they just kept getting bigger and smaller.

Camping pictures next!!!

Catherine said...

Don't put your cursor at the edge of the photo. If you are too close to the edge of the image, it will, indeed, change the size of the pic. Put the cursor right in the middle and drag the photo to where you'd like it to be.

Have fun camping. I HATE camping.