Sunday, July 29, 2007

Wasp Stings and other Things

Hi there,

Well, we found out yesterday that Craig developed an allergy to wasp stings. He was stung twice on his route yesterday and had a pretty bad reaction. No anaphalactic shock or anything, but SEVERE hives. He now has to carry an epi-pen when he is outside. His comment on the whole thing was :"It would be nice to continue having one member in the family without a medical issue" hahaha! Between me and Mason and our own allergies and other things, Craig WAS the only one without anything. I just welcomed him to the club!

I am on psuedo bedrest right now. Having a few contractions and other things going on last week. Went in for monitoring on Friday and was sent home with many restrictions. It is pretty boring, but at least it is not full bedrest like it was with Mason. This coming weekend I can try adding a few things to my day and see how it goes.

The nice thing about this, is I am not so rushed or trying to accomplish so many things, so Mason and I are having a lot of quality time. I think he kind of likes it too, although I can't run around with him or take him anywhere.

WARNING: If any men are reading this, you may not want to read the next part. FYI
At the hospital I had to be "examined" and it was a resident. A nice resident, but I heard him mutter under his breath "I can't find the cervix". This had also happened when I was pregnant with Mason. I am not sure where the cervix can go, or how hard it is to find it, but apparently mine likes to play hide and seek with the residents. So that was a lovely "exam"

Heat has left and so has the humidity, but I think it is coming back tomorrow. It has been nice to be able to breathe again!! i hope everyone else is cooling down and enjoying more tolerable weather. I am going to try to put some camping pictures on here soon.


Catherine said...

Okay, first it was the Restless Leg coincidence. Now, here is the latest coincidence.....Randy and I were just talking about how Craig must feel kind of left out because he is the only medically 'normal' person in your house.

Maybe we jinxed him....

We'll stop talking about you and see how it goes =)

Mom said...

Sorry to hear that you have to take it easy. Might as well "milk" it for all it's worth because after November things will be different. I hope your camping weather was decent. I see the hot stuff is coming back. Yuck!!!
What's up with the rest of your family?? We need to get them blogging. I look forward to your interesting blogs. My life is boring.