Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Brotherly Love

Mason and Craig were reading a Mercer Mayer book the other night and the Little Critter was saying something about not wanting to watch his little brother or play with his sister and Mason was perplexed. He just couldn't figure out why he wouldn't want to do those things. He talked about it for quite a while. I thought it was very sweet.

He and Maddox ADORE each other. I pray it stays that way. Maddox will laugh the hardest for Mason and Mason can't get enough of Maddox. Although Maddox is pulling hair now, and pulled a few big chunks out of Mason's head. (Mason thought he had some bald spots and was anxious that it wouldn't grow back)...but Mason is still patient with him and everything.

Mason is dying to have Maddox share a room with him. And loves it when Maddox will lay on his bed with him. Today Maddox was fussing a little in the car seat, and Mason went over, and rocked the car seat while singing to Maddox. It was so sweet. Maddox will barely eat if Mason is around because he needs to see what Mason is doing.

A side note on Mason...He is doing musicals while playing with his Transformers. The Transformers sing to each other. The bad guy will sing in a deep voice "I am the bad guy, I will beat you" then the good guy will sing in a higher voice "No you won't, I will always win" and so on. I got some of it on tape, but it was hard to hear. It is hilarious!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like life is getting better, Jolee. You certainly are blessed with two wonderful little boys.

Catherine said...

When Alyssa was a baby, she cried all of the time...one of the only things that calmed her down was when Justin sang 'Jingle Bells' to her.

FYI-it didn't last forever.

I think that Justin still blames Alyssa for everything that has gone wrong in his life.

But everything really is Steve's fault........