Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Maybe It's the Peppers?

Well, Maddox's issues are NOT affected by the cookies...Thank you Lord!!...although I am certain eating 24 of them in one day does not help!

I think he is allergic to Red and Yellow Peppers and Peas. I read that people can be allergic to the peppers if they are allergic to white potatoes and that people can be allergic to peas if they are allergic to peanuts. I am going to avoid them for a week and then try one of them to see what happens.

But last night was a good night. He slept 5 1/2 hours and just ate and went back to sleep. Then he was up every 1 to 1 1/2 hours after that to eat, but went to sleep right away. At 6:30am I just laid him in our bed without feeding him and he fell right asleep and stayed sleeping until 7:45am.

He loves to sleep on our pillows. I think he likes how the pillows crawdle the back of his head. i know everyone out there does not recommend this sleeping arrangement, but I am desperate and the child doesn't move, and I make a barrier around him.

But his cheeks didn't turn bright red in the middle of the night or ooze like they were doing again and the crust on his head went away. I eat a lot of red and yellow peppers on my salad, so I can see how that could be bothering him. His cheeks would ooze every now and then in the middle of the night. It's all crazy.

I talked with our Doctor's nurse about the delayed schedule for vaccines and she didn't seem to keen on it. Maybe she didn't understand what I meant. Our Doctor's regular nurse just left, so I haven't met this woman yet. I hope she is nice. I had really liked Barb and she had even suggested doing the shots one at a time the last time we were there. I feel like these people are good friends, seeing how we are at the clinic all the time. Even the scheduling people know all our infor when I call.

Well, Maddox is sleeping, so I am going to catch some zzz's as well and pray for another great night and day!!

Some fun things Maddox is doing:
He is almost rolling over onto his stomach. He is soooo close. He is rolling to his back, but sometimes forgets how to.

He loves to put EVERYTHING in his mouth, and I really think he is beginning to teethe. He was chewing on this baby bath toy stegasoraus dinosaur tonight, but the horns kept going up his nose...had to take that one away.

He loves to blow raspberries and is beginning to stick his tongue out now while spitting.

He spits/blows raspberries when he is frustrated or angry. In fact, last week sometime (I think) he was angry that I was putting him down for a nap without rocking him and when I walked away he yelled, then blew a huge raspberry and shot his pacifier out of his mouth. It made a "popping" sound. When I turned around he was lying very still and just staring at me. He's got spunk!

He loves to play peek-a-boo and if you say "Where's Maddox?" he'll bury his head in your neck then pop up, smile, and wait for you to say "peek a boo" and then laugh!

If I say "Patty Cake", He'll grab my hands to play the game.

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