Saturday, May 31, 2008

Happy Birthday

to me!!!

(I had posted this on May 30, but for some reason it posted on Mason's blog)

Today I am 28 years old!! :) haha. That would make my mom 50 years old.

My parents are over and Craig is cooking up a lot of good food. My mom spent the day with Mason and Maddox so I could do some shopping for myself. that was exciting and refreshing.

My mom made a wonderful salad and 2 desserts that I can actually eat!! I can't wait!!!

Mr. Maddox has a full blown cold right now. And had a bad reaction a couple of nights ago. We were at Mason's end of the year banquet for Awana's and Craig had eaten some food with dairy in it. He held Maddox and Maddox chewed on his finger and broke out in horrible hives all over his face. By the time we got home he had thrown up. It was scary. Thankfully my wonderful friend Stephanie was home. (her son has food allergies) and I was able to talk to her about it and later talked to the allergist. (between sobs)

Oh, and today I realzed we have been using "Milk" and Honey handsoap for the last 6 months. Might explain a little bit about his rashes.

Mason is done with this year of Awana's. He loved it! He is excited about starting up again next fall. Mason also made up a game of throwing balls into a box. But you need to pay him 10 cents or 10 dollars (you can choose). We've got a little Carnie in the family :)

Overall, I am having a great birthday. Maybe Maddox will give me a birthday present and sleep tonight :)

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Hope you had a great birthday. We just got back from a week at the lake. I'll give an update, maybe tomorrow. =)