Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Real Life Mystery

So I am awakened this morning to loud banging/thumping sounds. The room was shaking. It took me a few minutes to actually wake up and start thinking and then I was thinking "Is Mason locked in the bathroom? Is he locked outside? Is someone knocking at the door? What is going on?" I start running downstairs and meet Mason on the stairs and then I remember....He made a hopscotch in the kitchen the night before. I ask "Were you playing hopscotch?" "Yep" he replied. Mystery solved.

P.S. Mason is THRILLED that people are replying to his posts!!! I am going to use this blogging as part of our homeschooling. When we get a faster service this fall, we'll use pictures as well. He was pretty excited that he was typing on his own, and got quite savvy with the computer.

Well, baby woke up and isn't too happy Craig went up to help him.....Duty calls :) But it's a wonderful duty!!!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

You could set up his very own blog. He'd love that ;)

BTW, we'll see you on Saturday morning, probably around 10:30. Unless you're going to be sleeping-in. Randy is going to drive thru Duluth w/ the dog, so it will just be Alyssa and I....

....picking up the rattletrap car. I hope that it makes it thru the summer. Fingers crossed....