Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hello out there

Well, it has been a while. It was fun reading some of the posts, I'll need to go back and read more.

Lots of stuff going on around here. I'll just get to the medical part for now. I do have fun stuff to blog, but I'll get to that later.
Just a medical update here:

Mason is going to need a patch on his eardrum, because it is not healing properly from the rupture in Jan. They will probably so it next Spring. We are praying that it heals between now and then.

Little Maddox, it turns out has FOOD ALLERGIES. Poor little guy. He is allergic to: All Dairy, Eggs, Soy, Peanuts, Goat Milk and White potato.

He has been miserable for months, but we thought it was just the reflux. Then his head started leaking this clear oily fluid and a patch of skin on his face was leaking...we thought it was the baby acne still hanging on. Turns out it is eczema, due to the allergies. All of this info is quite new, so we are adjusting and trying to figure it all out. Hopefully he will outgrow most of these (probably not the peanut)

Since I have stopped eating those foods, he is doing MUCH better!! That is why I am able to post now. He went to bed at 8:00pm tonight and is STILL SLEEPING!! He is starting to take naps and is enjoying playing with toys and having some time to himself. Poor guy. He was a lot more miserable than we knew. It is just heartbreaking. we are hoping he will sleep better at night soon and take longer breaks between nursing (he is still nursing 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours all day).

We are grateful to have answers now and are thrilled to see Maddox more comfortable and happy. He was still happy when he was miserable, but now he is REALLY happy.

Overall, things are going well. Mason is a hoot and loves Brett Farve!! It's hilarious!! He is always coming up with inventions and ideas and has started writing a chapter book. So far he has written 3 chapters along with illustrations and chapter titles. I'll post the book later...Mason will love to know I am doing that. He is so excited about his book.

Well, take care!!
I hope to be able to get on the computer more often as Maddox heals up and feels better. I miss reading everyone's posts regularly!!


Catherine said...

I was beginning to think that you were snubbing us ;P I think that you guys deserve a medical break. It sounds like its just been crazy at your house. I hope that you're getting some sleep, now.

Well, at the very least, I hope that you can have some sanity!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!!! I've been wondering what happened to you but then thought "she's just really busy". And I guess you were. Maybe spring will be better than winter for you.

Anonymous said...

It has been crazy! Up until this week, Maddox needed to be held 24/7. He couldn't be put down for more than 5 or 10 minutes and would only stop crying if he was held. I could barely get dressed or eat.

At night, he wouldn't go down until 10:30 or 11:00 and then was up every 2 hours or so and when he was up, he was up for a while, just so uncomfortable and itchy.

We didn't realize just how itchy he was, until we used hydrocortisone and until his rashes started going away. I didn't even feel human. We are getting some sleep now. He fell asleep tonight at 7:45 and is still asleep!! It is a whole new world!!!

during it all, i was always telling Craig "I just want to go back to the first 3-4 weeks. He was such a different baby then". Now I know why. He is the mellow, content, happy, regulated little guy he came out as.

Now we are debating vaccines and if he should get all of them at once, or spread them out. He is so allergic to things, and so sensitive, it is scary to think about giving him the vaccines in a couple of weeks at his 6 month appt.

Plus we still need to introduce solid food...soon. We ar thinking about holding off on the vaccines for a while. We have until he is 5 years before getting them all in.
So much to think about.

Then this morning, Mason woke up with a puffy face and a bumpy rash all over his face, ears, and neck. Broke out from the Coppertone Sunscreen yesterday. Too much sensitivity around here (but they get it all from me). Ai yai, yai.

Well, i am getting into my PJs now and going to enjoy the peace and quiet downstairs. IS golden!!

Catherine said...

Okay, now you know that I have turned into The Crazy Dog Lady, but in dogs with allergies and auto-immune issues (like Ginger), they advise having vaccinations spaced out rather than all at once (as is usually done....just like kids).

If it's not kids, it's dogs =)

Thanx for keeping Alyssa's car this week. Maybe Mason would like to do an experiment with EXPLOSIVES??!!