Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Cookies are aligned!!!

Hi All,

Finally, all the cookies must be aligned. Whatever that means. I finally have a picture to post. The other day Mr. Jim came rushing in saying, "Get the camera and come with me!". Never mind that I was putting away groceries. Anyway, this is what he wanted me to see!

These sandhill cranes were along the side of the road. Notice the baby crane. There were two.

Here you can see the two babies. Since then we've seen the adults but not the babies. I'm hoping they are hiding and were not lunch for some animal.
Jolee, where are you?? It seems when we don't hear from you your kids are not feeling well. I hope that is not the case and you are out enjoying "the weather??".
All is well in Tomahawk. We are looking forward to having Cathy and Randy visit next weekend. Have to get cleaning I guess.
Love you all, Aunt Janis/MOM

1 comment:

Cathy said...

They are so cute! We saw a 4-point buck at the river yesterday. His antlers were covered with velvet. Cool.