Sunday, June 29, 2008

I spoke too soon

LAst night Maddox was up from 10:00-12:30am, and then up a lot on and off. We didn't get much sleep at all. It was horrible. I think it's the teeth. and tonight, the little guy is up right now, at 1 minute until 11:00pm, just smiling, and laughing, and kicking, and playing around. Apparently it is party time. I would leave him in his crib, but he was keeping Mason awake becaue he plays so loudly.

i am crabby and tired. Just when we thought things were turning a corner. It is very frustrating. It is a good thing God made him so cute! He knew we were going to be looking at Maddox's mug a lot.

I had started taking Fennugreek yesterday and just found out it is in the peanut family. I had asked the allergist about it, and she said to take it and just keep an eye on him, but now that I know it is related to peanuts, I will not be taking it. It's frustrating. i don't feel I am getting all the information I need from the Dr.s

Maddox rolled onto his tummy for the first time on Thursday. I had just left the room to get something to eat and Mason yelled "Mom!! He rolled to his tummy!!" I can't believe I missed the first time he did. Ididn't miss any of Mason's firsts (that I know of). But Mason felt pretty cool because he saw the first one.

Mason had a super time camping with Craig. It sounded like a fun trip. Lots of mosquitos, but still fun. I'll see if Mason will blog about it. The first thing Mason said to me was :"Mom, I had a lot of fun, but I did miss you" (Before he left he said he would miss Maddox, but not me because he would be having so much fun and because Maddox is so cute)

Maddox is scooting all over the living room floor in the dark and chewing on anything he can grab. It must be his teeth. They do look like they are ready to come through. I hope soon.

What are everyone's plans for the fourth? Cathy what do you do in Canada? do you still celebrate the 4th of July? I think we are going to Washburn. that will be nice. Maybe some of my family members will want to sit up with Maddox in the middle of the night??? ahahahaha

Well, I am going to go pass out on the couch while Maddox plays on the floor here. He sure is cute. I can't resist his little smiles, no matter how crabby I get.

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