Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sawzing Rings and Mouse Shreds

Congrats Steve on the move. i hope all goes well in Madison. I'm glad everything went safely and your home is pretty dry. Are you staying in Madison for a few months? Or is this more permanent?

Cathy, how did Randy's appt go? Lymes Disease sucks. But it sounds like you caught it really early...which is great. The antibiotics can cause extreme fatigue, but they work. Hoepfully it isn't Lymes though.

Aunt Janis...what is going on with you? any animal stories? plant stories? Mr. Jim stories?

Life is getting a little easier here. Maddox slept 5 hours last night, ate,..was up for a bit, then slept almost 4 hours. Glory Day. He has been so much happier the last couple days.
He turned 6 months on the 4th. Wow, half a year. I don't remember a lot of it :)

So, at 6 months, the little guy is almost sitting up and almost rolling over to his tummy (he doesn't like it on his tummy, so I think that's why he won't go the couple mm he needs to), I think he is giving those baby kisses, he likes to snuggle when tired, and still laughs hysterically for Mason. He grabs at EVERYTHING and is interested in everything and wants to be in the middle of it all. He loves babies and people and smiles at pretty much everyone. When he wants to go to sleep he rubs our hand on his head and face. He sucks on my chin to let me know he is hungry. He inspects objects very closely and gives them a complete look over before putting them in his mouth...but everything goes into his mouth. He is a joy and blessing to be around...even at 3 in the morning. Even when he is crying, he will give a smile when you go to pick him up through the tears.

He loves to play peek-a-boo, This Little Piggy, So Big and Pat-A-Cake. He enjoys giving "fives" and loves to shake rattles and bang items. He also loves to play Tug-of-War. He likes the books "Dear Zoo" (his favorite page is the lion), and "Hand, Hand, Finger Thumb" Dr Seuss book (he only wants to look at the pages with drums).

Mason continues to be a sweetie and gem in our lives. I have flowers all over the house. Dandelions, tulips, forget-me-nots, lilacs, johnny jump ups, and various other wildflowers. He loved playing with the broken door knob trying to figure out how it all worked. He is really into hopscotch and planting seeds. We planted seeds in our flowerbed today...but now it is raining..hopefully they don't swim away.

He is also loving climbing trees...but I need to be careful how high I let him climb, because I am not as tall as Craig and can't always help him down. thankfully Craig was home today. His newest phrase is :"the day before yesterday". He is growing up fast and is getting taller everyday. He is still beating me at Monopoly Jr. I don't think I will ever beat that boy.
He still loves his brother and it's sweet to watch him with Maddox. He is concerned when Maddox is not feeling well and lives to make his brother laugh.

He is taking a break from writing in his story. Hopefully it will pick up again. He still loves his transformers and he tells everyone he sees that he is saving up his money to buy "Optimus Prime" which is 20.00. In fact at the clinic on Thurs, he talked at length with the Physician Assistant about transformers (she has a 4 year old son who loves them as well). He loves to catch worms and save them for Craig to use for fishing and likes killing ants so they don't get into our house (he only kills the ones near our house).

He filled his sandbox with water and made an island, then turned it into a pond. He has had a lot of fun with that the last couple days, but we need to empty it tomorrow or we will have a lot of mosquitos around the house.

So that is what has been happening around here. Hopefully the sleep continues and I will have my own adventures some day. tomorrow is Maddox's 6 month appt. I am praying it all goes well and they don't find something new. He will not get his vaccines at this appt because we are still waiting to see if he is allergic to any of the preservatives in them. I've been researching what is in vaccines on the CDC website. It's pretty scary all the crap in there, but they are important.

Hope all is going well with everyone.

He calls teething rings "Sawzing rings" and mouse turds "Mouse Shreds". (He thought he saw a "mouse shred" on the floor last night but it was a rock...thank goodness!!!)


Catherine said...

They didn't do the test for Lyme Disease. The doctor said that the tests aren't always reliable and often give false 'negatives', so it is better to treat for it right away. So, Randy is on antibiotics for two weeks. Kind of funny: the Doxycyline he is on is one of the meds prescribed for dogs with SLO (the lupus that Ginger has). I've got a whole bottle of it in the pantry for Ginger's next flare-up. Wrong dosage for Randy, tho. =)

Glad you're getting some sleep!

Anonymous said...

Are you sure Ginger is a dog???