Thursday, June 5, 2008

Somebody's Knocking...

but we can't let them in...


our doorknob just broke and fell off 20 minutes ago. (It's 9:20 pm right now) Poor Craig is at Walmart buying a new doorknob.

And little Maddox has a double ear infection. But ear numbing drops work wonders!!!

After the pooping situation last night, he started screaming and crying again and would only stop if we held him upright while we were standing up. Then he began batting at his left ear. We did the ear drops at 12:30am and he slept until 6:00am!!!!! 5 1/2 glorious hours of sleep!!!!

He is definitely more comfortable since the suppository. Even with the ear infection. It's nice to see him more like himself. But seriously, even when he is miserable, he is still so smiley and happy. Many people think he is fine because of his sweet disposition, but we know how even sweeter it is when his body is doing what it should.

I had a dream last night (because I actually got some sleep) and it was about me visiting you Steve. And you were there Cathy. And I remember walking around this HUGE house. Many of the rooms were yellow. and it was bright and cheery. A nice place to be. that is all that I can remember.

Mason is a true farmer. A big thunderstorm system is heading our way, so Mason went out and took in all the plants he could, and picked the flowers that were growing because they would get ruined with the wind and hail. I just love him so much too. Sometimes at night I want to bring him and Maddox into bed with us to have one big family snuggle.

Every thought Mason has, exits out of his mouth :) As we're driving to the store: "Mom, why are there yellow and white lines, that's a cool car, that car went over the lines, you went over the lines when you turned mom!, hey, there's a carwash down there, cool, I like that truck, do you think Noah is playing outside at school," etc...It's amazing. And he is trying out new words.
the new favorites are "adjust, adjustment and function" Some of them he picks up from a cartoon called Word Girl (it's something adults can enjoy as well) and the others...I have no idea where he gets them. Probably from Craig. He has a good vocabulary. I just speak gibberish these days.

For some reason, when it lists the time I post, it is 1 hour off. does anyone know anything about this?

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