Saturday, June 7, 2008

Well, Well, Well

It seems as tho there as been some bloginating while I've been gone. If you want to read about our vacation, look here. Warning: it is a photo-heavy post.

It's been a rather boring, rainy, cold week. Today I planted flowers in the flowerboxes. I'm glad that I waited because there was a frost warning this past week. C' JUNE???? That's just crazy. I've still got a jillion more planters to get squared away, but I think that I'm going to wait until Monday to go shopping for plants. This is the first nice weekend that we've had, and I imagine that it's going to be nuts at all of the nurseries.

On the medical front, Randy is at the doctor to have a tick 'bite' (is that what you call it?) looked at. I removed a small tick from his back on Tuesday, and today the area is all raised, red, and itchy/hot/inflamed. We suspect Lyme Disease.

Stupid ticks.

Justin said that they don't have bugs in Colorado. Something just doesn't seem right about that.

Alyssa had training at the Sartell Paper Mill this past week. At last report, she is going to be working in the TMP or ThermoMechanicalPulp mill (which is where they 'cook' the trees into pulp) this summer. It's a good thing that she likes HOT weather, because I think that it's gonna be a HOT spot, for sure.

That's all I've got, for now. Hope that you are all enjoying this nice weather.

Hey, it's warmer here than it is in Fort Collins. =0)

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