Friday, June 6, 2008


Maddox is wide awake and happy and playing in his bouncy seat, blowing raspberries, smiling, kicking, and babbling. Even though it is 10:00pm. He's feeling pretty good after the ibuprofen and ear numbing drops. He smiles with his whole body. he is just the cuteset!!! and has a little sense of humor. Quite a fun little guy. Even in the middle of the night when he is crying, when you pick him up he has a smile for you through the tears.

Last night was not so good. didn't go down until 4:30am. He would just sleep for about 20 minutes and then wake up from the ear pain.

i think he is getting constipated again...which is surprising because he is on antibiotics. Anyone have any suggestions? He's not on solids yet. Anything I can eat to help him? The suppository incident was not so pleasant for him, so I'd rather not repeat that one.

Ok, probably too much info for everyone. sleep deprivation turns off the ol' filters.

Mason was having fun with the pots and pans making a uniform for battle. Had a hard time finding a pot that would stay on his head, but a lid made a good shield and a wooden spoon made a good sword. He wore a sieve for a little bit, but it didn't stay on that well. was the week at the cabin? Any pictures? Aunt Janis...Are you OK? Haven't seen anything from you in a while. Steve, are you in Madison yet? Alyssa how are things going for you? And is Colorado?

Well, I am off to try and get some sleep. hahahahaha I am funny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you eat prunes?? That should help you if not Maddox. Stay away from bananas and rice. And that's my advice.
Poor Maddox!! I do remember those days of ear infections...mostly with Steve which resulted in tubes for him.
I hope your weather is better than ours.
Aunt Janis