Saturday, December 15, 2007

Finals Week!

Yeah, it's finals week and I figured I might as well post something. I have a final every day (except I don't think I have one of Tuesday, but I don't remember.) I only have one that I expect will be difficult. That's calc II.

Next semester I will be taking Calc III, Intro the Theater, Interpersonal Communications, Social Psychology, Marriages and Families World Wide, Education in Modern Society, and maybe a voice class. That'll be about 20-21 credits, but I don't think it'll be that bad. Interpersonal Communications, Marriages and Families, Education in Modern Society, and Intro the Theater are all supposed to be really easy classes. And Calc III is easier than Calc II.

I'm still going between majoring in secondary education and statistics. I will be minoring in psychology. And... yeah. That's where I'm at right now. I'll probably have a major my the end of next semester... I'm hoping. Or I'll at least declare something. At this rate, probably stats.

In the mean time, lots of studying!!


Anonymous said...

Surprise!!! And a nice one too. I hope all your tests are easy ones. I know you'll do well. Sounds like an interesting 2nd semester. Looking forward to seeing you at Christmas. Have you seen the new baby?
Stay warm.
Grandma Jan

Catherine said...

Dad says, "Good luck on all of your tests. Keep up the good work. Love you. Dad".

p.s. how's the car running?

Anonymous said...

It gets me where I need to go. I'm going to have Dad drive it a bit in Canada to make sure it's not making any bad noises. It's been a bit loud, but I think it's the muffler.

Catherine said...

We're planning on bringing it over to 'Gary', the miracle mechanic, to see if he can fix the exhaust for cheap.

Anonymous said...

How did your finals go?

21 credits sounds like a lot next semester!! I'm glad many of the classes will be easy.