Saturday, December 1, 2007

Maybe Today?

Feeling a lot of pressure and feeling like I am sitting on a cavern. Sometimes I wonder if I will need to catch him?

Had a couple of contractions, but nothing that was strong or lasted long. I notice when I walk I have a lot of pressure. Soooo, we'll see. The storm is here, and I really would like to wait until tomorrow after the storm. Plus Craig is still at work until 3:00. It's about 1:15 now. He can leave if he needs to, but I'll just feel better once he is home. I'm glad he took care of the snowblower last night, because we may need to snowblow out of our driveway. My mom will come here to be with Mason when the time comes.

Aunt Janis...Glad to hear the great news!!!! Tell Mr Jim we are happy for him. What a relief I bet!!

Cathy, how much snow did you get that day? I tried to watch the video, but it takes so long for it to "buffer" on this dial-up. Sometime next year we will be switching over. I can't wait. then I can ebay stuff the baby no longer needs, email pictures, watch others' videos and so on.

Well, I am going to try and paint my toenails now. That should be video'd because I am sure it will be hilarious. A large beach ball with short arms trying to reach her toes. Maybe I won't try.

Just taking it easy today with Mason. Sitting in the living room with the Christmas lights and fireplace and soft music. I may take a nap.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

We got about a foot of snow between Monday and Wednesday. The weather service said that we got 10 cm (4" in real measurement), but I measured the snow on my car, and it was 12". Maybe at the airport they only got 4", but here it was a foot.

Right now it is snowing lightly, but nothing monumental. We're supposed to get 35 cm = 14" by Monday morning. The river is flowing very slowly with all of the ice on a giant slushy. It is freezing out there.

I hate winter.

Hope that baby waits until the roads are plowed, but maybe we'll see you on television being snowmobiled to the hospital. Mason would be thrilled......