Friday, December 21, 2007


It just wouldn't be a holiday without some kind of Dittmann Drama.
Two claws removed today, thanks Symmetrical Lupoid Onychodystrophy!
So, I present to you, GingerClaws.


Cathy said...

Poor Ginger!!! Is this going to be a constant thing with her?? I hope not. Now I suppose it's back to the prednisone(sp).

Catherine said...

Yes, it's kind of an on-going condition that goes into remission for certain amts. of time. The vet was amazed that the rest of her claws had grown back so 'normal'. At least those look good. We'll just keep doctoring with the Omega-3 & vitamin E. That's the only course of treatment. I'm nixing the prednisone. Just not worth it.