Tuesday, December 4, 2007

less than 6 hours to go

...but who's counting?

It's 2:43 am and I cannot fall back asleep. Too nauseated and crampy. Maybe things will get started on their own? I need to be at the hospital by 6 a.m., so I hope I fall asleep soon. They will break the water at 8 a.m.

I found out that being dilated to 5 is the size of a silver dollar. Just one last fact before the baby is here.

Mason is at my parents. He is so excited to see his brother. And it is nice that he knows which day I am going in. That helps him a lot I think. Little more predictable. As soon as we got to my parents he said "Tomorrow I get to see my brother!! He is coming out tomorrow!!" I called to tell him goodnight and he asked if I was at the "hosbitipal" yet. When I told him I was going early in the morning before the sun was up he wondered if he had to come then too. But he said he would come as soon as I called!

My mom loaded him up with cinnamon toast, icecream and half a donut hole tonight...I wonder when they fell asleep? Since she is going to be with Mason for the whole day tomorrow, I am guessing there will not be any ingesting of sugar the next night :)

Mason and I ran errands today and went to the library so he could check out 30 new books. We are going through the books like crazy. And now we have a new stash for when the baby is here. Got a couple that are collections, so they can't be read all at once.

Not much else to say. Surprised the baby hasn't come yet, but this does work out nice. I don't have to call Craig at work and wait for him to come home, Mason is already with my parents, and I know exactly what needs to be ready for tomorrow a.m.

Aunt Janis it was fun talking with you today ! And I am glad you are back on the blog! Thanks for posting Junal's dog...I still haven't seen it yet!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

It's 9:30 my time, so I'll bet that you are a little busy right now. Glad that, with all of the waiting, the final 'plan' is less stressful than SURPRISE!!!!!

Hope everything goes well....and I could have lived the rest of my life not knowing about the silver dollar thing. The men in our lives need to get down on their knees and worship us....or start dilating..........