Monday, November 12, 2007

2 Weeks to Go!!!! But whose counting?

Well, he's still in there.

I am dialted to 4 and thinned out, so I am hoping it is anytime soon. I have another appt tomorrow and will have an ultrasound. My contractions are getting more and more uncomfortable, but nothing regular or worth going in for. Maybe he'll just fall out.

Mason is getting ready for his brother. We have all the baby stuff out and he is using his two teddy bears (big brother bear and baby bear) with all of the baby things. It is adorable. Right now he has the playpen all set up with his baby teddy and all tucked in. He always tries to figure the world out through his play...which is nice because we know what he is thinking about and trying to process.

Mason is also a bit hyper these days....lots of partying and cake and candy and gifts and he is now 5. It is a whole new level of excitement, giggles, and projectile objects.
He bought a castle with his birthday money and has really enjoyed it. It was fun because he saw it on TV, then saw it in a Target gift catalog and was able to use a Target coupon so he could afford it....then it was on sale even more and he was able to get change back to save up for another item. He felt very grown up.

Mason continues to crack us up. He has a plastic realistic looking lizard named Benny that he was carrying everywhere with him. He had a story for Benny. Benny got run over by a car because Mason was working in his garden and didn't notice he had crawled into the street and the car didn't see Benny. so Benny needed at least 5 shots a day, had several bandages and needed constant supervision as well as 3 naps a day. He took it to the lab when I had blood drawn and showed the techs how he takes care of Benny and how he gives shots...which is not as gentle as they do it. They thought it was funny.

He is into jokes, jokes, jokes. His newest one is : Knock Knock---Who's There---I don't Know---I don't Know Who--Uncle Terry telling knock-knock jokes!!! and then he falls on the floor laughing.

he is also into books right now, and I have been waiting for this day. We checked out 20 books from the library and read 15 in one sitting. i had to stop because my voice was going hoarse. I had a 41.00 fine at the library...I didn't realize the fines went up that high. I had a book for about a year and Mason has been reminding me that I was "stealing". When I told him we were going to the library, he immediately got out the book and put it on the stairs for me so I wouldn't forget.

He's really revved up tonight. Maybe that means his brother is coming? Wouldn't that be nice?

I must be grunting a lot when i bend over, because whenever he bends over to pick something up he grunts now. Always nice to have a little walking recorder around!

We ran into Cathy and Randy at Target the other day. Mason saw Cathy and let me know. That was a fun treat. It was like we were neighbors. Maybe the baby will be here by the time you ladies come down for the ladies weekend.

Well, house is ready for baby. I am almost done Christmas shopping too. The few people that are left, I know what we are getting most of them.

Well, I am taking this miserable body to get ready for bed and to do a few last minute things around the house. Hopefully the next time I blog, it will be about the baby. But I will let you know about the appt.

Oh, and sometime after the birth of the baby, I am having a retirement party for my uterus. This womb is closed for business...for--e-v-e-r!!!!

PS I emailed pictures to Cathy for my last few blogs, so when she gets a chance she'll be able to add them to the blog.

Oh, Aunt Janis...not everyone is happy about the packers winning. Craig is a Vikings fan :)

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