Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Still in there

Well, no baby yet. I am still hoping he will come out before this weekend!! My appt went ok. Still dilated to 4, only 50% thin...not all the way thin like I thought, and everything is still posterior. I may go to my due date...which is a discouraging thought at this point.

They measured him and estimate he is about 7 pounds 12 ounces, but that weight can be off by a pound either way. I am hoping it is off in the reverse, because if he is almost 8 pounds now, he will be pretty big by my due date, especially considering he is gaining a half pound a week. I am getting more terrified of delivery now. Not sure why my sister and I keep having these large ones.

That is about it on the baby update. Next week my OB is out of town, so I get to see my former OB, and I am excited about that. She delivered Mason and I absolutely LOVE her, but she is retiring soon, so she couldn't take me on with this one.

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