Sunday, November 25, 2007

All I Want for Christmas....... a baby!!!

STILL here. Contractions are going down a bit. I am changing my due date to November 29th. Plain and Simple. Otherwise tomorrow will be a very hard day for me. Mason and I are going to keep busy tomorrow so I don't think about it too much. The virtual baby disappeared, but there is still another day left. Is that all that happens? The pictures just disappears? There should be fireworks or something.

Oh wait, the picture is back. I notice the baby is stuck head down. Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow. Maybe I'll be up at midnight and can check it out then.

We decorated the house today. Mason had so much fun. He was able to decorate his own Christmas tree. That was the best thing we ever did Mason his own Christmas tree when he was 1 year old, so he wouldn't play with the big Christmas tree. And he still loves having his own tree. He can change the ornaments around whenever he wants and play with it.

We also set up an artificial tree for the first time ever. We borrowed one from my mom...she is like having a personal Christmas store....and it only took a few minutes to set up. And it comes prelit!!! There was no balancing it in the stand, making sure it was straight, or dealing with Christmas lights. It is the perfect tree for us this year, and Mason of course loves it!! And of course, he has already thrown things on it to see if they would stick, crawled under and around it. Looks like we'll need to review the "Christmas Tree rules" again :)

Yesterday Mason was angry with me, so he ran into the toy room, sat at his desk, and turned his desk lamp on and began writing. I was putting clean bedding on his bed and he asked if he could close the door to his room, then I heard him tape something on the door. He had made a sign...this is what it said:


Translation:"Everyone it comes to my room will be turned into a lazyhead. Not by Mason"

However he explained that since I was already in there when he put the sign on the door, I wouldn't be turned into a "lazyhead". I think it's funny that he stated "not by Mason" I wouldn't think it was him who wrote it.
A "lazyhead" to Mason is someone whose head wobbles around when they write. I think the teacher at his Sibling class had talked about a baby's wobbly head and referred to it as a "lazyhead".

Well, nothing much else going on. I'll start wrapping Christmas gifts tomorrow so we can put them under the tree; figure I'll use the time that I have while I have it. It is supposed to snow on Tuesday...maybe the baby is waiting for that...or at least the change in barometric pressure will trigger something!

How was everyone's Thanksgiving? What did everyone do?

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