Thursday, November 15, 2007

what's he waiting for?

Still no baby. I have been scrubbing the floors on my hands and knees, I chased Mason up the stairs tonight, to which he commented :"Wow Mom! You're fast!!!", I have been carrying heavy baskets of laundry, moving furniture around....and still no labor. I still need to hang up Mason's lizard, so maybe this little guy is waiting for this.

My Dr. said if I go to my due date, this little person will be 9 pounds. I would like to deliver a little smaller baby than that if at all possible. Tomorrow I may do some laps around the yard.

I will miss the alone time with Mason though. He is so precious and I just love everything about him. His giggles, jokes, comments, thoughts, ideas, energy...just everything. I hope it isn't harder to remember things about him as we meet this new little guy. And I hope I remember everything about this new little guy like I remember Mason. It is still hard to imagine I can love them both, because I love Mason so much...but everyone tells me I will.

I am just trying to enjoy the time with Mason now. When I told him I was going to have a picture of him with me at the hospital he said " Are you kidding me?! For real?!". He also told me yesterday "Mom! When you are in the hospital, Daddy and me will be at the house ALONE!!!!!" and was very excited about it. This is a good time, because he is really identifying with Craig and wanting a lot of "Daddy time". He still loves his momma and needs at least 1 snuggle a day, but he is also really relating to Craig.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope that little guy gets a move on because I would really love to see him this weekend when I'm "up North" for Ladies Weekend. Sooooooooooo start jogging. Hope to see you soon. and the rest of your family.