Tuesday, November 20, 2007


No changes. That's what the Dr. said. Although the baby's head is even lower now, so he can't get into a breech position. That's reassuring, especially with all the flipping around the other night. Last night he tried to do that circus trick again, but I quickly sat upright so he couldn't.

I was disappointed with the Dr appt, especially with how miserable I have been feeling. I was hoping the pain and nausea were at least related to changes. I've lost weight because I have been feeling so ill, but they said the baby is fine and it isn't enough weight to worry about. If I make it to Thanksgiving, I'm sure I'll gain it back with all the good stuff my mom made:)

I put Mason to bed at 6:45 and felt a little guilty, but he is already asleep at 7:00, so I made a good call on that one. Craig is at his small group, I am in my PJ's (Napolean Dynomite ones. It's just a picture of his face and it looks hilarious with my belly), and going to watch Lord of the Rings.

Mason had some time with Nana today, which was a blessing for me. I actually laid on the couch for 2 hours. Unheard of. And Mason had a blast with his Nana. When everyone left on Sat he said "I just want some alone time with my Nana. sigh" He was happy to have it today. He told her all about the Sibling class and all the things he learned.

I think he is anxious about all of it though. He doesn't like the unknown (who does) and is really questioning when the baby will be here. He overheard me talking about my water breaking with someone, and heard about it from his baby book...so today he asked "Will the water come out of your belly button?" When I explained that, he asked "Will it hurt when the water comes out?" So, he is really trying to put all of this together. It probably explains some of the meltdowns he is having over things that never really bothered him before. This a.m. he crawled into bed with me and asked if we could snuggle. He snuggled up so sweetly and it really was wonderful under all the blankets. It is hard to imagine that someday he won't even want to be seen with me or talk to me.

I'm trying to enjoy all these last days alone with him and I wish I felt better so we could do something special.

Praying that I can be patient with the baby too. Trying to trust God and His timing with all of this, but it's hard. I really don't want to go another week feeling like this, but we'll see.

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