Monday, November 19, 2007

no baby yet

well, no baby yet. Although, I am extremely uncomfortable. I thought maybe this afternoon I would be going in, but no. Last night the little guy decided to flip from face down to face up, but then decided he wanted to be face down. He had to work very hard to do this and I thought he was going to come through my stomach. He is very strong and persistent.

The crampiness is getting worse and so is the nausea. I hope it doesn't last for a week, just a day, but I have no control. My appt is tomorrow, so I'll hopefully have some good news. Maybe they will send me over to the hospital!!!

Mason went to the Sibling class tonight at the hospital. He had a blast. He ran down to the front with the "teacher" without any hesitation, or even acknowledgment that we were there! He diapered his teddy bear...without help..(he has been practicing for weeks now) and was excited that the teacher taught him how to swaddle the bear in a different way. We toured the birth center, so he saw the rooms where I will stay and the nursery and a newborn. The baby wasn't all that exciting for him.

It was nice seeing you Aunt Janis and Cathy!! I wish we all lived closer, but this blog is fun to use to keep in touch. My mom is going all out for Thanksgiving and the entire meal is gluten-free, but good gluten-free food. I hope I can be there. I was hoping I could go in today and have the baby and be out in time for Thanksgiving. i just can't wait to meet this little guy and actually hold him!!!!! I just look at all the little PJ's and it makes it harder to wait, although I am praying about this so I chill out a bit.

That's all the news. I'll update after my appt tomorrow. I was hoping that when we toured the birth center my water would break, but no such thing.

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