Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Baby Update

Well, no baby yet. Sorry Cathy about that, I didn't even think of that. We were just busy with everything.

As of last Tues I was 50% effaced and dilated to 3. Still having uncomfortable contractions. And I think I lost that gross thing that can mean you are getting ready to go into labor soon. I was so freaked out on Thurs I called my mom and told her she may have to do the party. but then I thought of everything that wasn't done yet and really freaked out and decided I cannot have the baby until after the 10th of November. Just a few things to get done around here, but otherwise we are ready for the little guy!!

I still need to talk with a nutritionist about the drugs though, because they may have gluten in them. What if I need to go completely drug free? That would be horrible. I am hoping not.

The biggest things to do are set up the crib and clean behind the refrigerator. I think we have everything for the baby, and my bag is packed.

Life is so much more relaxing now that Halloween is done and the party is done. That was a lot going on being this far along in the pregnancy. I am still trying to catch up on sleep. Which I am sleeping better now. Getting about 6 hours at a time...which is heavenly, especially compared to getting 2 hours at a time.

Oh, Craig does have Lymes Disease. They confirmed it. He is on an antibiotic and should be off it right before the baby's due date. So he is feeling better now. It is nice to have him back. He is still a little low on energy, but is definitely doing better. They think they caught it in time and that he should recover completely without any side effects. That is good news.

My mom was helping me dig up bulbs from our barrel planter and lo and behold, what did she find? A dead mouse! and she HATES mice!!!! I felt bad. But I am glad it was dead!! i hope we are done with those things. no funky smells in the house and no sign of them, so I am hopeful.

We are getting our tree pruned, but they were supposed to be here today, but haven't shown yet. Maybe tomorrow. Mason will love watching that!!!

That is about it. My next Dr appt is this Friday and I am hoping for good news...that I am ready to go into labor and this little guy is engaged. He is still pretty active. I video taped my stomach the other night, it's pretty funny!!

Cathy, my dad hasn't seen the birthday montage yet. For some wierd reason his computer won't download it or the baby thing. Your post is there, but no slide show, not even a red x. We can't figure it out. He is going to try to come here to see it some time soon. That was a wonderful thing you did!! I loved it!!!


Catherine said...

Raising my hand, here. I had both Justin and Alyssa with NO DRUGS. I'm pretty sure that I would have preferred drugs, but I did all of my breathing stuff sooooo well, that by the time I asked for drugs, it was too late.

Just breathe. Yeah right.

Maybe you'll have the baby during the Packer game on Sunday!!! 'Brett' isn't such a bad name.......

Anonymous said...

OK, you are my hero!!! I don't think I have ever known anyone who did childbirth without any drugs. You should have gotten some kind of award or diamond jewlery or something!!

It is nice to know that I can survive if I do this without drugs. I'll start practicing the breathing now!

Pretty sure he is going to come a bit early...lots of contractions that are VERY uncomfortable already...but I know they will be nothing like the real deal.

Mom said...

OK, Friday has passed and are you going to have that little guy soon???